Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy Statement

We are committed to maintaining safe and healthy workplace practices to ensure that neither our Workers at work nor anyone else in the vicinity of the workplace is harmed due to our work activities. 

Our goal is to try to eliminate all workplace injuries, incidents and illnesses because we believe that this will benefit everyone involved. Where injury has occurred, we will work with the injured party to ensure, where possible, an early and safe return to work. 

We need active participation from management and Workers to make safety a priority in all of our work places. Managers and supervisors will be the role models and leaders in this process. 

DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will: 

  1. Systematically identify and control hazards and risks in our workplace and ensure our Workers have the right plant, tools, skills, and information to work safely.
  2. Involve our Workers and their representatives in developing and reviewing any health and safety processes or activities that will benefit them.
  3. Induct new Workers, temporary staff, contractors, and subcontractors to ensure they understand our safety procedures and policies, and their own obligation to be safe.
  4. Train and supervise our Workers to ensure they develop the competency to work both safely and efficiently.
  5. Supervise our contractors and subcontractors as necessary to ensure they use safe work practices.
  6. Monitor our workplace to ensure our planned controls are effective and lead to a safer working environment.
  7. Accurately record all incidents involving injury, illness, harm, damage, or near-miss in our workplace, and investigate them with the goal of preventing the incidents happening again.
  8. Support a safe return to work for injured Workers, where possible.
  9. Develop and implement procedures for emergencies and evacuation.
  10. Maintain all plant and equipment to ensure it is safe to use.
  11. Provide Workers with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Personal Protective Clothing (PPC) appropriate to their needs.
  12. Expect all managers and supervisors to ensure our health and safety system functions well.
  13. Expect Workers, contractors, and subcontractors to take a fair share of the responsibility for their own safety and wellbeing while at work 
  14. Regularly review our health and safety systems as part of our goal of continuous improvement. 
  15. Our policy will always be to comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, the Regulations made under that Act, and all appropriate and relevant Codes of Practice, Standards, and Guidelines that apply to our business. 


Operational Policies

The following individual policy statements relate to Health and Safety. They are part of the overall strategy to ensure the safe, efficient, and profitable operation of our business. The statements should be followed as the ‘house rules’ that apply to both Workers and any Contractors or Subcontractors carrying out work for DMI Electrical Engineering Limited. 

The statements in this section outline Worker and contractor responsibilities and form a code of conduct that Workers and Contractors must follow. Employment or contract with this Company shows your acceptance of the responsibilities and code of conduct as outlined in the following pages. 

Breaches of these statements will lead to disciplinary action that may range from counselling to termination of employment or contract in more extreme situations. 

Management Responsibilities 

  1. The Director is ultimately responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient running of this organisation. They must ensure that the arrangements outlined in this document are complied with and that they provide the means to achieve this compliance. 

    Managers and Work Supervisors report directly to the Director and are responsible for ensuring that: 
    Workers and Contractors understand and comply with the operational policies 
    Workers have the means and the knowledge to carry out their work safely. 

  2. Contractors will be selected based on their adequacy of Health and Safety Systems to ensure work is completed safely. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited policies and conditions will be communicated at a pre-contract stage to Subcontractors, and their on-site safety performance will be monitored. 
  3. Managers and Supervisors at all levels will have an open-door approach to all health and safety-related matters. Workers and Contractors are encouraged to raise concerns, and the various parties will be expected to work together in good faith to seek resolutions. 
  4. Managers and Supervisors at all levels will be expected to engage in regular reviews of daily operations to ensure shortcomings are identified and where applicable, remedies are applied. Critical issues will be immediately reported to the Director. 
  5. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will seek advice from appropriate external agencies when a hazardous situation or procedure is beyond our collective expertise. 
  6. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will ensure suitable health monitoring is carried out by appropriate external agencies when there is an identified risk to health. 
  7. The Management and Supervisory team will meet at least once a year to review the previous year’s Health and Safety performance and set goals for the coming year. This information will then be relayed back to all Workers. 

Personal Responsibilities

  1. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited has a ‘Zero Harm’ philosophy and believes that the safety of our people and anyone else who could be harmed by our activities must be the prime consideration under all circumstances. We all have a duty to ensure that no action or inaction on our part causes harm to ourselves or anyone else in the vicinity of our work. This is both a legal and moral obligation we must all abide by. 
  2. Most workplace incidents are caused through unsafe acts or procedural failures, and we believe that the Management and Supervisory team has an obligation to ensure safe working procedures and practices are developed, understood, and applied by everyone at every level. This is fundamental to the ongoing protection and wellbeing of Workers and Contractors and of the business itself. 
  3. A Worker must immediately inform the Manager or Supervisor if they believe that they cannot safely carry out some aspect of their duties due to a lack of knowledge, experience, skill, training, supervision, correct processes or equipment. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited does not want or expect its Workers to put themselves or others in harm’s way. 
  4. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited, its Workers, and all Contractors will comply with all relevant Acts, Regulations, Standards, Codes of Practice and recognised Industry Good Practice at all times. Ignorance of the Law is not an acceptable excuse, and all Workers and Contractors are expected to be aware of their legal responsibilities. 
  5. A Worker or Contractor must comply with all lawful rules and policies of DMI Electrical Engineering Limited, and understand that these rules and policies are subject to regular review and may change over time. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will make every effort to ensure that those concerned are kept updated on these changes. 
  6. A Worker or Contractor must keep their work areas tidy and remove any waste, scrap, or off-cuts each day. They must store tools and equipment correctly when it is not in use, and clean down the plant after use. 
  7. The Manager may stand down a Worker (without loss of normal wages) if the Manager believes the Worker is unwell or otherwise incapacitated to a degree that they could cause harm to themselves, others, or DMI Electrical Engineering Limited. The Worker may later be required to attend a meeting to review the situation. 
  8. The Manager may require a Contractor to stop work until the Manager is confident that work can safely be resumed if they believe a Contractor is unwell or otherwise incapacitated to a degree that the Contractor could cause harm to themselves, others, or DMI Electrical Engineering Limited. 
  9. A Worker or Contractor must report incidents involving injury or harm, damage to property, or any serious near-miss situation on the appropriate form within 48 hours of occurrence. The Manager will then investigate the underlying causes and put controls in place to prevent reoccurrence. 
  10. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited is under no obligation to accept or support any previously undocumented claim that occurs after the 48-hour grace period or without prior discussion. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited may deny knowledge of the injury and not accept it as work-related if an injury is claimed to have occurred, but no documented report of the incident is provided. 

Hazard and Risk Management 

One of the key goals of DMI Electrical Engineering Limited is to continually reduce the likelihood of harm through constant vigilance and by applying good practice. We believe every Worker has the right to expect to work in a safe environment and to go home unharmed at the end of the day. To achieve these goals, we expect all Workers and Contractors to take an active part in looking after the safety and wellbeing of themselves and those around them. 

In keeping with the legal requirements to take ‘reasonably practicable steps’ to ensure the safety of Workers, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited has put in place numerous risk management tools to help achieve its aim of identifying significant hazards and risks and reducing the likelihood of harm. All Workers and Contractors are expected to use these tools as part of their recording and reporting processes and to ensure that the Manager is informed of any significant issues. 

Where there is a risk to a worker’s health DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will but in place appropriate measures to monitor the worker’s health by way of annual monitoring or of a frequency determined by the external occupational health provider. 

A Contractor without suitable hazard and risk management tools of their own will be expected to faithfully apply our Company’s systems and processes. 

Hazard and risk management documents have been designed to ensure that Workers and Contractors plan their work; identify problems, hazards, and risks well in advance; and apply effective control techniques before the work begins. Workers and Contractors must complete all documentation related to their job or specific tasks promptly and carefully. 

The following Company tools are available to provide a range of active hazard and risk management opportunities and where each tool is appropriate, its use is mandatory. 

Risk Matrix 

All hazards must be assessed for the level of risk they pose. The process requires an initial assessment to be carried out on the hazard, without controls in place. This will give a better picture of what may be done to reduce the problem. Once controls have been determined, a second assessment must be done to determine if the residual risk is within acceptable levels. If not, then more effort is required. 

Hazard and Risk Register 

The Hazard Register is a record of all significant hazards that have not been eliminated and may be present in our work place. Any hazard reported to the Manager will be evaluated for degree of risk posed and if appropriate, be entered into the register. The Register will be regularly re-evaluated to ensure it remains up to date. 

Pre-start Checklist 

The checklist allows a hazard ID to be carried out before work starts. This tool is a mandatory requirement for Contractors to complete before carrying out work for this Company. Once completed, the checklist can serve as the Contractor’s Hazard Register. 

Task Analysis and Safe Work Method Statement (TA/SWMS) 

Task Analysis/Safe Work Method Statement are job planning tools that improve safety, productivity, quality and site communications. Complete a TA/SWMS prior to beginning your site activities. During Toolbox Safety Meetings are a good opportunity to involve employees in the Task Analysis process - they know the hazards and required controls. 

A Task Analysis/Safe Work Method Statement is required when: 


Permit to Work 

Some activities are so fraught with potential for disaster that a permit must be issued to ensure that the work is thoroughly planned and the risks are identified and controlled as much as possible in that specific situation. A permit requires sign-off by the various parties involved, ensuring a broad spread of understanding related to the particular task. 

Emergency Planning 

A work plan must include a planned response to potential emergencies that could arise while the work is being carried out. 

Job/Site Inspection 

Regular inspections must be carried out and documented so that issues can be identified and addressed. 


Safety lock-out procedures will be applied when working on plant or equipment that could start unexpectedly, move, or in other ways cause harm during maintenance, repair, or installation. 

Reasonably Practicable Steps 

  1. In managing hazards, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited expects its Workers to adhere to the ‘Reasonably Practicable Steps’ model set out in the HSWA 2015, and to approach hazard management with logic and care. 
  2. When evaluating potential controls for hazardous situations, reasonably practicable steps include determining risk level; considering what is known about the hazard/s and the type and availability of controls; and applying the ‘Hierarchy of Controls’ model to find the best outcome. 

Hierarchy of controls 

1. As part of the Reasonably Practicable Steps requirement, there is a requirement to apply the Hierarchy of Controls (Eliminate or Minimise) when dealing with hazards. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited expects its Workers and Contractors to meet the Hierarchy of Controls requirement while carrying out its business operations. If a significant hazard is identified at any stage, the following actions must be considered. 

Consideration 1: Eliminate 

Can the hazard be removed completely or even temporarily? If not, can parts of the hazard be eliminated? Where possible, to eliminate will always be our preference. 

Consideration 2: Minimise 

Can something be done that will reduce the level of risk to a more acceptable level? In order of decreasing effectiveness and preference, the choices are as follows. 

Consideration 3: Combine 

In combination with any of the techniques above, can procedures, policies, rules, instructions, or training be provided to improve the effect of the physical controls? This method is unlikely to provide enough control if used on its own. 

In combination with any of the techniques above, can protective equipment or clothing be used to reduce the personal risk? This method will never provide enough control on its own. 

Any significant hazard that has not been eliminated must be recorded in the Hazard Register so that it can be monitored and its status reviewed as necessary. 

When working on a client’s site, we will adhere to their hazard management procedures as required, but we will also continue to use appropriate systems of our own. 

Visitors and Visiting 

  1. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited expects that people will visit DMI Electrical Engineering Limited premises from time to time, either as visitors or as Contractors who are on site to carry out work on behalf of DMI Electrical Engineering Limited. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited has the same responsibility for the health and safety of visitors as it has for its own staff. As strangers to the workplace, visitors are at greater risk of suffering an injury than our own Workers who are familiar with the working environment. 
  2. Workers must take responsibility for all visitors when they are present at our offices and ensure that they know where visitors are at all times. 
  3. Visitors will be escorted out of the building to the designated assembly area if there is an emergency while they are on the premises. 
  4. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will investigate, report, and record any injuries, incidents, or near-misses that the visitor witnesses or is personally involved in. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Clothing (PPC) 

DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will provide PPE and PPC suitable to Workers’ needs and ensure Workers are instructed in its correct use. We recognise that discomfort will discourage use, so DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will, within reason, provide the best fit possible for individual Workers. Workers must accept that there will be limitations. 

Contractors must supply their own PPE and PPC suitable to the task or activity. Failure to use necessary PPE or PPC will result in disciplinary procedures. 

Allocating PPE or PPC to Workers will be on the following basis. 

  1. Workers have an obligation to look after the equipment issued to them. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited does not have an unlimited supply of equipment. Excessive or repeated damage or loss of equipment will lead to a disciplinary response that can include recovering replacement equipment costs from a Worker’s severance pay. 
  2. No one may start work without the required PPE or PPC. 
  3. If individual Workers wish to have equipment beyond DMI Electrical Engineering Limited’s budget limitations, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited is willing to enter into a one-off negotiation for a partial purchase subsidy. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited is under no obligation to extend this offer where it believes that the standard arrangement will provide adequate equipment or clothing. 
  4. Workers may provide their own PPE or PPC at their own expense, but the equipment or clothing must meet or exceed DMI Electrical Engineering Limited’s requirements for safety and protection. Any such PPE or PPC must be reviewed and accepted by the Manager before it may be used in the workplace. 
  5. Using PPE and/or PPC is mandatory in any situation in which a hazard cannot be eliminated or otherwise suitably controlled. 
  6. Eye protection must be used in any operation where airborne sparks, particles, or debris may exist; hazardous substances are in use; or in any other situation where there may be a risk of harm. 
  7. Hearing protection must be used in any situation in which the noise level exceeds 85dB. If a sound-level meter is not available, use the following guideline: 

    If you must raise your voice to be heard by someone one metre away, the background noise level is likely to exceed 85dB.
  8. Irrespective of the site, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited expects its Workers and Contractors to adhere to any signage relating to PPE and PPC requirements. Workers 

Hazardous Products and Substances 

1. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited recognises that exposure to hazardous products and substances may pose risks to Workers. Hazardous substances range from general cleaning chemicals used daily through to industrial-level hazardous substances. 

2. Workers should only use chemical or potentially hazardous products and substances if they have been trained in its safe use or are being supervised by someone who has been trained in its safe use. Information, including Safety Data Sheets (SDS), will be available to Workers who may be exposed to any hazardous substance during any work activity. 

3. Hazardous substances and containers should be disposed of according to the manufacturer’s instructions, technical support documents, or as trained by a competent person. 

DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will maintain a Hazardous Products and Substance Register of all hazardous substances used or stored on site. The Register will also provide emergency services with information on hazardous substances during an emergency. 

5. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will conduct an assessment of any hazardous product or substance used, and the results will be communicated to workers before use. These assessments, in conjunction with the Safety Data Sheet, will be reviewed regularly. 

Mobile Phones 

  1. A mobile phone must be turned off while the user is carrying out high-risk work or if it creates a potentially dangerous or irritating distraction to the user or anyone else nearby. 
  2. It is illegal to use a hand-held mobile phone while driving a vehicle. Workers and Contractors must comply fully with this law. 
  3. Some client sites have rules banning or limiting the use of communication devices on site. Workers and Contractors must follow their rules, without argument. 

Computer and Tablet Use 

  1. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited recognises that intense short-focus work and screen glare from using a computer or other device for long periods may cause neck and back ache, eyestrain, or fatigue. Workers should routinely rest their eyes by re-focusing on something in the distance, maintain the correct posture while using a computer, and stretch to ease fatigue and muscle tension. 
  2. Computer use outside of office spaces needs to be set up as ergonomically as the situation will allow. 
  3. Workers should report any ongoing discomfort associated with using their computer or workstation to the Manager. Any reports will be investigated and remedied as soon as possible. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will consider providing equipment as recommended by an external specialist or as necessary to alleviate the risk of harm. 

Music in the Workplace 

  1. Listening to music in the workplace cannot be at the expense of Health and Safety or the comfort of others nearby. Using radios or music-playing devices is a privilege, not a right. Abusing the privilege may lead to the radio or device being removed. 
  2. If using radios or music-playing devices causes conflict or contention in any of our workplaces, the privilege will be revoked. 

Vehicle Use 

  1. Workers who use a Company vehicle must hold a valid, full driving licence. No one may drive a Company vehicle without a valid driver licence. 
  2. Workers must immediately notify the Manager if their licence is withdrawn, lost, cancelled, expired, or revoked. 
  3. Reports of dangerous driving, poor driving ability, or discourtesy to other road users will be treated seriously and investigated. These actions not only put the driver and other road users at risk, but also bring DMI Electrical Engineering Limited into disrepute. 
  4. The driver is personally responsible for the payment of any fines or penalties for illegal parking, speeding, or similar breaches of statutory regulations. 
  5. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited must provide vehicles that are in a safe condition to use. The driver must ensure each day that the vehicle is in a safe state to operate. The driver must also ensure that the Warrant of Fitness, the Vehicle Registration, and, where applicable, the Road User Charges are current. If the driver has a problem regarding these points, they must immediately bring it to the Manager’s attention. 
  6. As a minimum, visual inspections must be undertaken monthly, using the Vehicle Inspection form to record the results. Fire extinguishers, first-aid kit contents, tow rope, and torches must also be checked at this time. Any problems or damage must be reported immediately to the Manager. 
  7. When not in use, company vehicles must be locked and all equipment secured. Where practicable after hours, the vehicle should be stored off the road to reduce the possibility of damage or theft. 
  8. Drivers and passengers must use the seatbelts while the vehicle is in operation. 
  9. Company vehicles must be kept in a clean and tidy condition, and all tools and equipment must be securely stowed so as not to become projectiles if the vehicle stops suddenly. 
  10. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will not tolerate any Worker driving a Company vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A Worker would face dismissal if drug or alcohol impairment is proven by a competent authority. 
  11.  Drivers must not use hand-held mobile phones while driving. 
  12. All Company vehicles are smoke-free zones. 


  1. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited actively discourages smoking, due to the dangers to the health and wellbeing of the smoker and anyone exposed to the smoke. 
  2. New Zealand workplaces, including offices, factories, warehouses, work canteens, and smoko rooms became smoke-free indoors from 10 December 2004. A Worker must go outside or to a designated smoking area to smoke. 
  3. Never smoke near flammable or combustible substances or materials. Any non-compliance will result in disciplinary action. 

Drugs and Alcohol 

  1. Drug and alcohol impairment is a hazard in the workplace that can result in harm to the individual/s involved, others around them, the business, and society in general. 
  2. Workers are required to be drug and alcohol free at all times while on duty. Workers must not attend work under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 
  3. The Manager may stand down a Worker (without loss of normal wages) if the Manager believes the Worker may be impaired by drugs or alcohol and could cause harm to themselves, others, or DMI Electrical Engineering Limited. The Worker may later be required to attend a counselling session to review the situation or to submit to a drug and/or alcohol screening test, administered by a competent person. 
  4. The Manager may require a Contractor to leave the site immediately if the Manager believes the Contractor may be impaired by drugs or alcohol and could cause harm to themselves, others, or DMI Electrical Engineering Limited. A disciplinary response as set out in the ‘Disciplinary Matters’ section may be initiated. 
  5. If DMI Electrical Engineering Limited, Employer, or Manager discovers that the Worker has returned a non-negative test result that contravenes this policy, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited, Employer or Manager may require the Worker to attend counselling. 

5.1 The Worker’s continued employment may depend on the Worker attending professional counselling and submitting to ongoing screening. 

5.2 A second non-negative screening test will result in the offer of further professional counselling, and a final warning being issued. 

5.3 A third non-negative result will result in termination of employment. 


Any Worker taking medication, whether or not prescribed by a medical practitioner, known to possibly impair the ability to work safely and productively (for example, impaired coordination, concentration, fatigue, or drowsiness) must advise their Manager or Supervisor before carrying out work duties. 

1. The Manager or Supervisor will decide whether the Worker can remain at work or whether a temporary transfer to other duties or work restrictions is required. 

2. If in doubt about the possible side effects of medication, the Worker must discuss those with a medical practitioner. 

Drug and Alcohol Testing 

1. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited and our customers may require a Worker to undergo alcohol and drug testing in the following circumstances. 

1.1 Workers in safety-sensitive positions undergo unannounced, random alcohol and drug testing. 

1.2 Applicants for safety-sensitive positions undergo a medical examination by a medical practitioner appointed by DMI Electrical Engineering Limited. The examination includes testing for alcohol and drugs, a prerequisite to being considered for the position. 

1.3 Workers may be tested for alcohol and drugs after a significant work injury, incident or near-miss, or when reasonable cause exists to suspect alcohol or drug use. 

2. If a Worker is absent from work in circumstances that give DMI Electrical Engineering Limited reasonable cause to suspect that the absence is due to misuse of alcohol or drugs, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited may require, as a condition of returning to work, that the Worker undergo testing. 

Safety-Sensitive Positions 

In this policy, a ‘safety-sensitive position’ means a position that: 

Further provisions relating to applicants for safety-sensitive positions: 

Suspension from Work 

A Worker may be suspended from work on full pay pending the result of the test. 

Testing is only for work-related safety purposes 

DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will only require a test to be carried out to determine the presence of drugs or alcohol in relation to workplace safety. 

Random testing 

  1. Where random testing is to be carried out, a random sample of Workers will be selected electronically by an independent agency contracted by DMI Electrical Engineering Limited. 
  2. The Workers selected will be notified of their selection to take part in the testing, and will be supervised between the time of notification and the test. 
  3. If the initial test is negative, the Worker will be informed and free to return to work duties. 
  4. If the initial test has been conducted on site, and returns a ‘non-negative result’, the sample will be separated into two samples and sent to an accredited laboratory for confirmatory testing in accordance with AS/NZS 4308-2008. The Worker will be asked to read, date, and sign a chain-of-custody statement confirming that the sample is their own and has not been altered at the time of collection. A drug concentration at or above the confirmatory cut-off concentrations of AS/NZS 4308-2008 is a positive test result. 

4.1 Any positive result will be communicated by the laboratory to DMI Electrical Engineering Limited’s medical adviser, who will advise DMI Electrical Engineering Limited of the result and provide any clarification or interpretation needed. 

4.2 The Manager will inform the Worker of a positive result and the potential disciplinary consequences. 

4.3 The Worker may then be suspended from duty on full pay, pending a review of the results in terms of the split sample process. 

4.4 If the result is confirmed as positive, the Worker will remain suspended from duty until a specialist assessment (if any) and a disciplinary interview. 

Positive Tests and Obstructing a Testing Process 

A Worker who, without reasonable justification, obstructs the carrying out of an alcohol or drug test is in breach of this policy and subject to disciplinary action including termination of employment. In this clause, ‘obstructs’ includes: 

Medical Specialist Assessment may be Requested 

1. Either DMI Electrical Engineering Limited or the Worker may choose to have the Worker examined by a medical specialist to find out if: 

1.1 there is a medical explanation for the positive result 

1.2 rehabilitation options are open, whether alongside or in place of disciplinary action. 

2. Where a choice is made (as above): 

2.1 the medical specialist will be an independent doctor who is specified by DMI Electrical Engineering Limited, but the costs will be met by DMI Electrical Engineering Limited. 

2.2 any specialist medical advice relating to rehabilitation options will be without prejudice to DMI Electrical Engineering Limited’s right to proceed against the Worker under its disciplinary code. 

2.3 the Worker may ask the medical practitioner not to disclose to DMI Electrical Engineering Limited any aspect of their medical history that is unrelated to the positive test. 

Consumption Outside Work Hours 

Workers must limit their consumption before coming to work so that there is no alcohol in excess of the permissible limit in their body while they are at work. 

Disciplinary Matters for Code of Conduct breaches 

1. All situations that may lead to disciplinary proceedings will be thoroughly and fairly investigated before action is taken. 

2. Where misconduct or non-compliance with our policies or the Code of Conduct has occurred and the Manager considers a Worker or Contractor is at fault, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will apply a fair and supportive approach using a range of responses. If the breach is considered to be serious misconduct, the response may be more stringent.
2.1 Counselling The purpose of counselling is to clarify the cause of the breach or non-compliance; to recognise what changes need to be made by both parties; and then to agree on future actions. The meeting outcome will be recorded.
2.2 Formal warning Where repeat or serious misconduct has occurred, a counselling session will be called for. It may conclude with a warning that continued non-compliance by the Worker or Contractor may lead to termination of employment or contract, as applicable. The warning will be formally documented in the Worker’s or Contractor’s records and will be in place for a stipulated period of time. 

2.3 Potential dismissal or termination of contract This will become a consideration if: 

2.3.1 repeat misconduct or non-compliance has occurred 2.3.2 a warning is already on record 2.3.3 serious misconduct or non-compliance could have resulted in serious injury or damage 

2.4 The Worker or Contractor may offer reasons for their misconduct or non-compliance. The Manager will consider these reasons and inform the Worker or Contractor promptly of their decision. 

2.5 If the Manager considers that the misconduct or non-compliance is likely to continue or that the breach or non-compliance is serious, they may terminate their employment or contract at this point. The outcome of this meeting will be documented in the Worker’s or Contractor’s records. 

3. The following health and safety-related issues are considered to be serious misconduct and are potentially dismissible offences. 

3.1 Verbal, physical, or sexual abuse, or harassment – where the evidence is clear and undeniable. 

3.2 Reckless endangerment – of oneself or others and where the evidence is clear and undeniable. 

3.3 Illicit drugs – if the Manager has evidence that a Worker or Contractor is holding or storing drugs on, or selling drugs from, Company property or worksites. 

3.4 Driving a Company vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs – where this is proved by a drug or alcohol test administered by a competent person. 

3.4 Harm to business – where a Worker’s or Contractor’s actions are so extreme that they could bring DMI Electrical Engineering Limited into disrepute, cause loss of work or contract, or have a harmful influence on future work prospects. 

4. While largely for internal use, the disciplinary process will also be applied to any Contractor not adhering to the requirements of the contract, irrespective of those requirements being written or verbal. 

5. Where the Formal Disciplinary Process is being applied, a Worker may bring a support person of their choice to the meetings, but should be aware that this may not influence the outcome of the meeting. 

The support person’s role is to provide moral support or advice to the Worker and ensure that due process is applied. As the meeting is a business matter between an Employer and their Worker, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited believes that the support person has no right to directly interfere with, or interrupt the proceedings. 

Violence or Abuse 

  1. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited believes that the Worker or Contractor has the right to go about their work without fear of violence, abuse, or harassment of any kind. 
  2. We will not tolerate bullies in our workplace and proven instances of harassment, intimidation, or violence will lead to dismissal. 
  3. Should any such situation arise due to the actions of a Contractor, the response may include termination of contract. 
  4. Any Worker who feels that they are the victim of any kind of abuse must inform the Manager immediately. The issue will be managed in strictest confidence. If the Worker feels unable to do this, we encourage them to contact the Employment Services at the Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE). 


DMI Electrical Engineering Limited recognises that workplace stress is largely the result of the interaction between a person and their work environment. For the person, it is the awareness of not being able to cope with the demands of their work environment, with an associated negative emotional response. 

1. The harmful effects of workplace stress may be manifested in one or more of the following ways. 1.1 Psychological – indicators are anger, frustration, apprehension, anxiety, or depression; feelings of incompetence, loss of confidence, and not being able to cope in general. 

1.2 Behavioural – including mood swings and irritability; changes to sleeping patterns, increased absenteeism, increased time urgency, and a decline in performance. 

1.3 Cognitive – memory or concentration problems, slow reaction times, and an increase in errors.  

2. Workers are encouraged to not work excessive hours; to take regular holidays; and to notify company management of any stress-related problems they are encountering on a personal or professional level that may affect their ability to perform their role. 

3. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will work with Workers to help address workplace stress and fatigue and respond promptly to eliminate the effects of workplace stress. We will work with any Worker who reports that they have a problem relating to stress, recognising that many factors can contribute to developing workplace stress. 

4. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will involve staff in asking for their ideas, opinions, and continuous improvement suggestions. We will focus on preventing and managing stress, as well as the amount, content, and organisation of work to ensure the workplace remains healthy, safe, and productive. 

Incident Reporting 

The health, safety and wellbeing of our workers is very important. 

Where incidents, injury or illness arises DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will investigate to ascertain causation to ensure that a similar situation doesn’t occur in the future. 

  1. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited requires all workers to notify the manager or supervisor of such a situation and record this in the incident register; 
  2. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited with adopt a no blame culture to investigate and communicate findings to workers to prevent similar. 
  3. Where this incident, injury or illness falls under the definitions of notifiable to WorkSafe NZ, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will notify in accordance with legislation” 

Injury Management 

DMI Electrical Engineering Limited, as a responsible Employer, is committed to the prevention of harm. Where harm has occurred, a managed return to work is our preferred choice depending on the degree of injury and the availability of suitable tasks that will not exacerbate the injury. We believe this outcome to be both desirable and beneficial to all parties involved. 

 1. If a Worker sustains an injury that a medical professional believes will not preclude the Worker from some form of work, our policy is (where possible) to provide useful alternative duties to ensure a continued connection with the workplace and a managed recovery. 

2. A Worker who requires medical services due to a work-related injury must take a copy of DMI Electrical Engineering Limited’s Alternative Duties form with them, and ask the medical professional to indicate the activities the injured Worker may still be able to perform. 

3. Where an injured Worker can return to some form of alternative duties (or modified duration of duties) and depending on the work we can realistically offer at the time, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will undertake the following. 3.1 Start a Return to Work Programme as soon as practicable, providing we have written guidance from a medical professional regarding what the injured Worker can or cannot do. 

3.2 Consult with the Worker, ACC, and appropriate medical professionals to action the programme. 

3.3 Where possible, ensure that an appropriate level of monitoring or supervision is provided so that the injury is not exacerbated. 

1. If an injured Worker cannot return to alternative duties, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will remain in contact with the Worker to monitor their progress and ability to return to work. 

2. If a Worker has sustained a long-term injury and is not able to return to the duties they were originally employed to do, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will, if possible, provide alternative work that the injured Worker can do. All parties involved should be aware that this may not be feasible and that termination of employment, while never desirable, may be necessary. In this situation, DMI Electrical Engineering Limited will do whatever it reasonably can to ease the transition. 

3. DMI Electrical Engineering Limited recognises that these commitments are for Workers and exclude contracted Contractors. However, Contractors responsible will be encouraged to undertake positive and effective injury management towards their own employment. 


Environmental Policy 

We are an environmentally conscious and responsible company. We are committed to ensuring that our activities, wherever possible, have the least harmful impact on our environment. We achieve this by adopting and implementing environmentally sensitive practices in all of our operations. 

The responsibility for managing and maintaining this policy lies with the CEO and management team with general implementation delegated to managers and employees as required. 

DMI Electrical Engineering Limited is committed to operating in an ecologically sustainable manner and will: 

 Key focus areas within the organisation will be to select non-polluting technologies, minimise waste, reuse/recycle and reduce energy consumption. 

DMI Electrical Engineering Limited makes a positive environmental contribution in the local community by encouraging open communication and a broader general awareness of environmental issue. 


9/160 Te Huaki Crescent
Eastgate Business Park
Rotorua 3074


14 Jean Street
VIC 3204